Kitchen Garden

Vegetarian recipes that whenever possible feature vegetables that I've grown in my garden.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

More about Figs

Here's a picture of my big fig tree. It's a brown turkey fig that I planted 12 years ago. It's been bearing lots of wonderful since it was three years old. I know it's too big, and I kknow I'll have to cut it down some day because it keeps getting closer and closer to the house, but it's a wonderful tree.

On the right is my baby fig tree. I grew it from a cutting of the first tree three years ago. It produced a modest crop of figs when it was two years old, but this year it is performing spectacularly this year.

I've made jam, I've given figs away, and I've eaten as many figs as I possibly can. I still have surplus figs. so, I bought a Food Dehydrator and have dried several batches of figs. They'll be a nice addition to my hot cereal next winter.

Here's my new red barn. Today I prepared the soil on the sunny side of the barn and transplanted three day lilies. I plan to plant four rose bushes there also.