Kitchen Garden

Vegetarian recipes that whenever possible feature vegetables that I've grown in my garden.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Garden Is Keeping Me Busy

We've been feasting on lettuce, radishes and peas. The hot weather vegetables are coming along nicely. I hope the bugs aren't too bad this year. I really want my squash to do well this year. Last year was so terrible.

Here are some pictures of the garden last week.

Lettuce and leeks. We've been pulling some of the onions to use as scallions, but we'll have to wait a long time for the leeks to be ready.

I love peas, especially sugar snap peas and Chinese snow peas. I like to saute peas, radishes and spring onions together in butter until just barely tender. Lettuce is also good sauteed in butter if you get tired of salads.