Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes
I've set out about half of my tomato plants. The rest are still a bit too small to plant in the garden yet. I have two big healthy tomato plants in my new upside down tomato growers. They look really odd, but I think this new way of growing tomatoes will be successful. It's a long time until we get any tomatoes out of the garden, but here's a tomato recipe. When I have a good tomato crop I don't can the extra. I skin them and freeze them whole. They taste better than canned. I didn't have enough tomatoes last year to bother freezing them. I had a freezer full of chili peppers though.
Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes
A recipe inspired by Paula Deen
18 medium ripe tomatoes, peeled or three cans whole tomatoes, drained
Salt and pepper
1 stick butter
Tablespoon finely minced fresh parsley
Tablespoon finely minced fresh basil
1 ½ cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese
If you have nice ripe tomatoes, you can peel them by plunging them into boiling water for about 30 seconds. Drain them and cool them quickly in ice water. Skins should pull off easily. I f good ripe tomatoes aren’t available in the market yet use the canned ones.
Place tomatoes in a lightly buttered casserole dish. I use my long glass lasagna dish. Sprinkle with them with salt, pepper and fresh herbs. Top each tomato with a pat of butter. Sprinkle Parmesan over the tomatoes and broil for 10 to 15 minutes, until the tomatoes are heated through and the cheese is melted.
Paula Deen & Friends: Living It Up, Southern Style
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